Our clients are a pretty diverse group.
Before PEP my thinking used to be, that hopefully tomorrow will be better than today. I always felt, that I was behind, that I could have achieved even more, and I had a sense of guilt all the time. Instead of focusing on what I made, I used to focus on what I didn’t make. After PEP I have a better overview. I am always happy going to work, happy about my colleagues, and I know that we are alle busy. Now when I feel in excess, I can offer my help to others, and I often do. When I see someone else being stressful, in my department or other areas, that I know, I will aks them, if they need someone to talk to, in order to get in control, or if they need my help for any specific work task.
Musa Kekec, HR consultant
Novo Nordisk
No structure – no career
Q: “When one dives into your CV it seems that suddenly everything went very fast with your career?”
A: ”In my own perspective this is a direct consequence of the efficiency process, that I went through. From being extremely hectic and overloaded in work, I became calm and able to say: ’Yes, we can manage this, and it can be delivered at this point”. I got a completely new faith in myself, another charisma that boosted my confidence.”
Jan Holm, adm. direktør
Maersk Drilling Holdings, Singapore
As a contract manager you have to juggle many balls at once, and you are constantly receiving new pieces of information and tasks that need to be prioritized and solved. PEP has given me a number of useful tools that helps me manage my tasks and appointments. It has had a great impact to my working routines, and in my opinion should be mandatory for contract and project managers.
Jimmy Knudsen, engineer
Aarsleff Infrastructure
Before PEP I felt like trying to run on ice in slippery shoes. No visible results of alle the hard work. After my sick leave and the following PEP course I now feel, that I am at the best possible working place – and in the best performing job ever.
Lars Gjeldsted Sørensen, svagstrømsingeniør
I have become the CEO of my own life! We have been part of a fantastic course on personal planning and I find it to have been very helpful. Our approach now is much more productive.
Marianne Lauritzen, centerchef, Psykiatrien
Region Syddanmark
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If you'd like to discuss any of the ways we could increase your success, contact us today. Together, we’ll transform your business.