Here’s something to consider. As we embrace the fact that our locked down life is – at last – loosening up a little, how willing are you to embrace the inevitable change that comes with it?
Now is most certainly not the time to be change-averse. But with all the Covid-19 chaos raging around us right now, it’s no wonder that even the most adaptable among us may feel like shutting our borders – metaphorically speaking.
And yet adapt we must – and fast. So this week, we thought we’d run through a few reminders on how to build a mindset that’s more open for business than closed shop. Read on for our recommendations:
1. Acknowledge your fears
There’s no shame in admitting you’re feeling apprehensive. Who isn’t right now? So clarify exactly what’s causing you concern. Write your worries down, even – along with some ideas on how to address them if they do eventuate. Confronting your fears instead of avoiding them will increase your sense of control – and make the prospect of change less panic-inducing.
2. Seek support
Chances are you’re not the only one feeling overwhelmed. Reach out to both colleagues and managers to talk through why you’re finding a transition troubling. Sharing your concerns will be therapeutic in itself; what’s more, you may find that a colleague’s perspective provides a solution or coping strategy you hadn’t already considered.
3. Stay informed
Educate yourself – in every sense. Ensure you know exactly what’s going on with regard to any new developments and always seek clarity from managers if you don’t. But look beyond the immediate context, too. Have all these changes highlighted any gaps in your knowledge or experience? If so, how can you best address these? Staying relevant – and thereby increasing your value to your organisation – is more essential than ever right now.
4. Accentuate the positive
Pessimists, this one in particular is for you. Does your kneejerk reaction to change need to be a negative one? Let’s not forget that this upheaval is also opening doors to new opportunities. Make an effort to identify these. And embrace (figuratively speaking, of course) your more optimistic friends and colleagues (see point two). They will undoubtedly offer a more positive spin on proceedings – and you have to admit that this sort of perspective will be much more productive than a pity party.
5. Celebrate your progress
To keep yourself moving forward, sometimes you need to look back. We’ve already weathered an enormous amount of change over a remarkably short period of time. Allow yourself a moment to acknowledge everything you’ve accomplished, no matter how inconsequential each achievement may appear. Because what each seemingly insignificant adjustment adds up to is increasing adaptability. In other words, you’re already more receptive to change than you realise. And in a world where adaptability is more essential than ever, that’s certainly worth celebrating.
Now we know that none of these recommendations is particularly ground-breaking – and that’s the whole point. Because what this means is that this advice is pretty easy to implement. You can – and you will – achieve quite a major shift in your mindset with some comparatively minor mental adjustments. Isn’t that worth a try?